
Stakeholder surveys on economic and social aspects of the bioeconomy

Are you interested in the bioeconomy?

The research project SYMOBIO 2 (Systemic Monitoring and Modeling of the German Bioeconomy) invites you to take part in the stakeholder survey on economic aspects of the bioeconomy. In a further development of the previous participation of bioeconomy stakeholders in SYMOBIO, your perspectives on the prevailing visions of the bioeconomy transformation and the economic aspects are to be recorded. Participation takes about 15-20 minutes.

You can access the survey at

You also still have the opportunity to take part in the survey on social aspects:

All data collected will be completely anonymized and processed in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By participating, you agree to the anonymous evaluation and publication of the results. For data protection reasons, please refrain from providing personal data in any form.

By including different perspectives into the monitoring of bioeconomy development, a data basis is created that contributes to the public debate and future decisions on creating social change towards a sustainable economy.

Thank you in advance for your participation. Please complete the survey by October 30, 2024.