
Conference announcement: Monitoring the bioeconomy: Performance, implications and the further development of analytical tools. December 3 – 4, 2024, Berlin

The conference ‘Monitoring the bioeconomy: Performance, implications and the further development of analytical tools’ will take place on December 3-4, 2024 in Berlin.

Recent results from two projects will be presented:

  • Consolidation of systemic monitoring and modelling of the German bioeconomy (SYMOBIO 2.0)
  • Establishment of systematic monitoring of the bioeconomy – consolidation phase (MoBi II)

Building on the results of the two research projects, the conference addresses the state and progress of the German bioeconomy, the capacities of monitoring from a systemic perspective, and the implications for policy makers aiming to steer the bioeconomy in a sustainable direction. It aims to promote knowledge exchange at national and international level.

The conference starts on December 3rd at 13:30 and ends on December 4th at 15:30. It will be held in English. While the conference is free of charge, the number of participants is limited. The venue is located at Palisaden street 48 in Berlin.

flyer and program



Hanna Helander, Conference organisation, Center for Environmental Systems
Research (CESR), Universität Kassel

Meghan Beck-O’Brien, SYMOBIO Project Coordinator, Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), Universität Kassel